Thursday, September 27, 2012


This Sunday, Sept. 30 at 9:15 the topic will be EVOLUTIONARIES.  Larry Anderson will give a brief look at the book that everyone is talking about by Carter Phipps.     We may all reflect on how we have (or can) evolve as a species, as a culture, as an individual, as a cosmos.    Fun stuff.  

Don't miss it and spread the word.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Post-Dr. Borg Discussion

This Sunday, September 23, at 9:15 our own Roger Haagenson and Rev. Larry Anderson will follow-up on Dr. Borg's lectures so bring your reactions, comments and questions to what he said during a terrific weekend.

Friday, September 14, 2012

"Thinking about God: How it Matters"

This Sunday, September 16 at 9:00 in the Sanctuary, Dr. Marcus Borg, our Ashley Memorial Lecturer, will discuss"Thinking about God: How it Matters."
At the 10:30 worship service he will preach on "What's It All About?" There is no charge for either of these events.

His first lecture will be tomorrow night (Friday) at 7 on "The Crisis in the Christian Language Today." On Saturday at 10 his topic will be "Salvation, Eternal Life and the Kingdom of God." At 1:00 on Saturday the topic is "Mercy and Righteousness or Compassion and Justice." These are $20 each or $50 for all three. Lunch will be available between the Saturday events.

Spread the word near and far about this opportunity to hear "a leading figure in his generation of Jesus scholars," on his return to FCC.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

FCC Adult Discussion Forum: "Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life"

Hi, folks

This Sunday, September 9 at 9:15 Romella and Ed O'Keefe will continue last week's discussion about theologian Karen Armstrong's recent book, "Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life," which is recommended reading to anyone interested in this topic, whether or not attending the Forum.

Remember that next week's, September 16 session will begin at 9:00 with Dr. Marcus Borg speaking in the Sanctuary

Spread the word near and far about all our great speakers.