Our warm, winter sessions continue on February 2 when the topic will be "Diabetes: How To Be Helpful Without Becoming the 'Food Police'” Join Melissa Melum, registered nurse and certified diabetes educator, for a discussion of diabetes intended to provide a basic understanding that will allow people to provide knowledgeable and appropriate support for friends and family members with this illness. Although not intended as a diabetes education session for people with diabetes or pre-diabetes, some pointers for meaningful monitoring and lifestyle intervention will be presented. Diabetes is a complex and multi-faceted illness, with no two patients identical with regard to needs and management approaches. However, with a board understanding of the issues, people can provide appropriate support without interfering with patients’ lives or providing misinformation.
Melissa became a Certified Diabetes Eductor seven years ago. Before partial retirement to North Carolina, she worked as an RN, CDE at Kaiser Permanente in Maryland and at a Joslin Center affiliate at University of Maryland.