Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hospice Care and Advance Care Planning

On March 30 in Hospice Care and Advance Care Planning, Debi Moran, MSW, LCSW, ACHP-SW, will give an overview of Hospice and Palliative Care services provided by Four Seasons Compassion for Life, concentrating on the area of Advance Care Planning. Understanding the public’s discomfort with the topic of dying has led to a passion for open discussion of emotions and wishes about end of life issues, and moved the necessary preparation of legal forms beyond simple completion to empowerment and comfort regarding personal choice.
 Debi has been with Four Seasons Compassion for Life for over 14 years and employed in Palliative Care since its inception. Personal experiences with chronic illness in her own family helped her develop a passion for finding ways to support those struggling with independence issues and conflicting health care advice. “My areas of expertise are in advocacy, counseling, and Advance Care Planning, but bringing a new perspective and humor where appropriate is what is most rewarding in my interactions with clients.”

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Balance of Light and Dark: Vernal Equinox

March 16 – The Balance of Light and Dark: Vernal
            Dr. Laurel Reinhardt will read a short passage from her latest book,
The Girl Who Kept Her Magic and then invite forum participants to
reflect on how balance (or lack thereof) is expressed in their own lives at
this time. The symbol for the Taoist concept of balance is often called yin-yang.
It represents “how seemingly opposite or contrary forces are interconnected and
interdependent…interacting to form a dynamic system in which the whole is
greater than the parts.” (Wikipedia)
            Note: Forum goers are invited to bring a small symbolic
object representing the balance of light and dark in their lives.

Laurel Reinhardt, Ph.D., describes
herself as a recovering psychologist turned life/dream/joy coach, author and
fiber artist. Raised in a Christian Science/Congregational household, she spent
15 years celebrating the turning seasons with a pagan women’s group, and now considers
herself a Sufi/Taoist. See her website for more information -

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Is There Room for Mystery in Your Life?

Remember to set your clocks AHEAD Saturday night

 and be ready at 9:15 for Is There Room for Mystery in Your Life?, a conversation with Larry Anderson with a glance at the writings of mystics from Thomas Aquinas to Thomas Berry.
            Larry, a longtime member of this First Congregational Church, is a retired psychologist and former minister. He has often been a leading light in these forums and is involved in coordinating the Walter E. Ashley Memorial Lecture Series. He is also known for sharing his guitar talents before and during our Sunday services.