Wednesday, December 30, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, January 3 at 9:15:  A new Name: White Stone Ceremony with Romella Hart-O'Keefe What's in a name?  The start of a New Year is a time of beginnings.  Join us for a special ceremony and gift to inaugurate a "new you" in 2016.Based on Revelations 2:17 - "To everyone who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna and I will give a white stone and on the white stone is written a new name that no one knows except the one who receives it."  Come join us, receive a white stone and find your New You!

Happy, healthy 2016

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This  Sunday, December 27 at 9:15: Papal Encyclical on Climate Change/Global Warming - Rabbi Bentley - When Rabbi Philip Bentley was asked to speak on the recent papal encyclical, he responded that he would be happy to speak at our Forum again. "Faith- based environmental ethics is actually a specialty of mine. I will speak on the encyclical in the context or the three Abrahamic traditions." Rabbi Bentley, retired, was named Senior Rabbinic Scholar by our neighbors, the Agudas Israel Congregation. Come to be informed and inspired!

Christmas Blessings & Happy, healthy 2016 to all!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday,December 20 at 9:15:  Celebrate the Holidays the Hawaiian Way -  with Kaleo Wheeler - You don't have to visit the Pacific Islands to enjoy the Hawaiian "Aloha Spirit" for the Holidays.  Kaleo Wheeler brings it to you!  The Hawaiians love to celebrate the holidays even without snow.They put lights on palm trees and bring in the holiday spirit through Hulas and songs. An original Hula about Santa coming in, carrying presents on a surfboard and their version of "White Christmas" and the Hawaiian "12 Days of Christmas" will bring a smile and an Aloha to you.  (Kaleo may bring the Heart of Aloha Dancers with her to enhance the program.) Enjoy this unique island cultural experience through Hula, the ancient form of storytelling. Come, join in the fun and hear and feel the stories.  

As both a motivational speaker and a musical storyteller, Kaleo Wheeler has used her rich, warm voice with song, harp, dance and her gift for storytelling to paint pictures of the Hawaiian culture that embrace the qualities of Love (Aloha), Forgiveness (Kale) and Caring (Malama) for a life of kindness and compassion towards all.  

Thursday, December 10, 2015

FCUCC Forum Field Trip Reminder

December 13:  Field Trip: Special Chanukah Celebration This week's forum will be held at a different time and place!  

We will gather at Agudas Israel Temple at 505 Glasgow Lane at 2:00 pm for a special Chanukah celebration with their congregation to which the greater Hendersonville Community is also invited. Newly installed Rabbi Rachael Jackson will talk briefly about Chanukah before lighting the nine-branch Chanukah Menorah.  

After this 45 minute service, she will then meet specifically with our Forum group for questions and answers and fellowship followed by refreshments of special Chanukah treats. Please join us for this very special celebration with our Jewish friends and neighbors at their congregation next door to us. 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

 This SundayDecember 6: Conversation on Spiritual Practice of WORSHIP  – Gary Cyphers, Moderator -Join our ongoing conversation on each of the ten spiritual practices that our fall 2014 Ashley Lecturer, Diana Butler Bass, finds in vibrant and growing congregations.  The eighth practice is WORSHIP. See elsewhere in the Chronicle Gary Cyphers' comments on highlights from Bass's book and reflection questions on WORSHIP and join our lively Forum conversation.  Prior participation is not a pre-requisite.

Friday, November 27, 2015

FCUCC forum reminder

This Sunday, the first in Advent, NOVEMBER 29 at 9:15 – THE CONTEMPLATIVE LIFE – A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE – Bob Shuford and Ed O'Keefe-  

Usually we hear about meditation and contemplation with Eastern religion names and practices that may sound strange to those who were brought up in Christian traditions. Out presenters this morning think it important to discuss meditation in terms of the Christian church and give some historical background on the practice from early Christian sources. We will provide Biblical references and list historical and contemporary Christian teaching about this important subject common to all major faiths. 

Bob Shuford, raised in the Methodist Church, has practiced meditation since the early '70s. Ed O'Keefe's early training was as a Roman Catholic seminarian; he spent five years in monasteries in Pittsburgh and Boston.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, NOVEMBER 22 at 9:15- THANKSGIVING 2015 Romella Hart-O'Keefe A time for sharing your thoughts, poems, prayers, anecdotes and traditions that express gratitude, appreciation and thanks.  Come join us, and bring your ideas and stories to share or just come to soak up the Thanksgiving spirit.  (Pilgrim and turkey costumes are optional!)

Happy, Healthy Thanksgiving to One and All!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

 This Sunday, November 15 at 9:15 – IN HONOR OF VETERANS – Bob Miles

This past week we celebrated Veterans' Day. Bob Miles, an Army veteran who served in Vietnam, will commemorate Veterans Day by convening a discussion of veterans and the family members of veterans from different generations  about the meaning of their military service. He will include information about Post-9-11 veterans and describe the Veterans Healing Farm, a local program that helps new veterans with the transition from military service back to civilian life.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Due to a medical emergency, our presenter will be unable to attend this Sunday, November 8. Therefore, forum has been cancelled.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, November 1 at 9:15 – VARIETIES OF SPIRITUAL GROWTH – Larry Anderson "We are constantly looking for a way back to oneness or for a connection with each other and the world."  – Singer/song writer James Taylor. 

Larry Anderson, guitarist, retired minister/psychologist, will lead a discussion exploring varieties of spiritual growth.

Happy Halloween and remember to  "FALL BACK."

Friday, October 23, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, October 25 – WRITERS' FORUM -This will be the second quarterly FCUCC Writers' Forum. Writers of poetry and fiction who would like to read from their work are invited to register in advance with either Rand Bishop (697-0090; or Ed O'Keefe (890-4889;

Thursday, October 15, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, October 18 at 9:15 – PILGRIMAGE TO IONA ISLAND -Recently Ashley lecturer John Philip Newell whetted our appetites for the Scottish island of Iona where St. Columba founded a monastery in the Sixth Century and which has been a pilgrimage destination for well over a thousand years. 

Pilgrimage is a form of spiritual journey. As we travel through physical time and space to places of spiritual power and inspiration, we are also on a quest to the Sacred within. Iona, a place of incomparable natural beauty, has inspired artists and theologians by its remarkable sense that God is near. Through slides and music, Linda McFadden and Philip Wiehe will describe a pilgrimage to Iona and answer questions about this special place. 

Recently received into our congregation, Rev. Linda McFadden is a retired UCC minister; Rev. Philip Wiehe, a retired Episcopal priest.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


This Sunday, October 11 – CONVERSATION ON SPIRITUAL PRACTICE OF JUSTICE  - Gary Cypers, Church Moderator  

Join our ongoing conversation on each of the ten spiritual practices that our fall 2014 Ashley lecturer, Diana Butler Bass, finds in vibrant and growing congregations. The seventh practice is Justice. See this month's Chronicle with highlights from Bass' book and reflection questions, and join our lively Forum conversation. Each Conversation stands alone; prior participation is not a pre-requisite.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

October 4 – FOLLOW-UP TO BISHOP SPONG'S PRESENTATIONS-Let's hear from each other what we took from last week's John Shelby Spong lectures. Larry Anderson, retired minister/psychologist will lead the discussion. 

Thursday, September 24, 2015


Be sure to attend the lectures by BIshop Spong.

Saturday at 10 & 1
Sunday sermon at 10:30 & final lecture at 2

Thursday, September 17, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

 This Sunday,September 20 at 9:15 – PREAMBLE TO BISHOP SPONG. Next week-end's Distinguished Ashley Lecturer, Bishop John Shelby Spong, will likely take us deep into the New Testament story - through the eyes of a scholar who continues to cherish these scriptures. Presenter Larry Anderson will highlight some of Spong's many books to help us get ready.

Remember, next Sunday, September 27 there is NO FORUM. Bishop Spong will be preaching at 10:30.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

 This Sunday,September 13 - THE WAYS OF THE ANCIENT ONES  The modern world is experiencing a revival of interest in the psycho-spiritual technologies of the ancient world. Dr. Jim Nourse, psychologist and acupuncturist, will discuss shamanic and Hawaiian mysticism as practical pathways to problem solving, spirituality and healing for contemporary people. 

Presenter: Dr. Jim's unusual career path includes a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, a diplomate in Classical Chinese Medicine and studies with Native American and Hawaiian elders and healers. He is the author of Simple Spirituality: Finding Your Own Way andOpening the Aloha Mind: Healing Self, Healing the World with Ho'oponopono. He has practice locations in Brevard and Hendersonville. 

Jim will be this year's speaker at the 44th Medicine and Ministry of the Whole Person conference November 5-8 at the Kanuga Conference Center in Hendersonville. Past speakers include Richard Rohr and Cynthia Bourgeault and next year's speaker will be John Philip Newell.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

 This Sunday at 9:15 August 30 – THE CONTEMPLATIVE LIFE - Part II Is there any difference between Meditation and Contemplation? Isn't plain old Prayer good enough? Where doesMindfulness fit in? What about TM, Transcendental Meditation?  

Church members will share their knowledge and experience with such concepts and practices. How-to's and practical guidelines will be given in this session. Discussion will follow about the desirability of starting one or more groups to practice some of these techniques. 

Presenters: Pam and Hank Federlein, Nolleen Kelly, the O'Keefes and Others

Thursday, August 20, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, August 23 at 9:15 – The CONTEMPLATIVE LIFE  – Part I Did you ever wonder what life in a convent is like? Or what "religious orders" are, or what monks do all day? In this Forum, persons from our congregation will relate their prior experiences in various ashrams, convents and monasteries. Presenters: Nolleen Kelly, Romella Hart-O'Keefe, Ed O'Keefe and Others                     

Thursday, August 13, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

 -Gary Cyphers, Church Moderator Join our ongoing conversation on each of the ten spiritual practices that our fall Ashley Lecturer, Diana Butler Bass, finds in vibrant and growing congregations. The sixth practice is Diversity. See this month's Chronicle with highlights from Bass' book and reflection questions, and join our lively Forum conversation. Each Conversation stands alone; prior participation is not a pre-requisite.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, August 9 at 9:15 – THE LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY MOVEMENT OF MASTER SHA In March of last year, Forum-goers learned about Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, whose 2013 book, Soul Healing Miracles, became a New York Times bestseller. Now, Worldwide Representative of Master Sha, Master Ellen Rubel, will present his Love Peace Harmony Movement. Activities this Sunday will include chanting and learning the beautiful Song of Love, Peace and Harmony. The purpose of the Movement is to bring families and communities together. 

Presenter Ellen Rubel holds an undergraduate degree in Education and a Master's in Mental Health Counseling. Since 2002 she has been trained by MaSter Sha and his Worldwide representatives. 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

 This Sunday, August 2 at 9:15 – FAITH, FACTS and BELIEFS.....3 big ideas heard in churches, hospital rooms and coffee shops.   What can they mean?   And which one do you find yourself thinking and talking about?   A discussion with retired minister and psychologist, Larry Anderson.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, July 26 at 9:15  will be the first session of our WRITERS' ROUNDTABLE.

There are many talented writers among our congregation. Today we inaugurate a new Forum tradition featuring some of them. Individual writers will present a sample of their work, whether prose or poetry. The Roundtable will be chaired by writer Rand Bishop who has "rounded up" some of the many writers to begin the series. Discussion will also be held to decide some of the parameters of future Roundtables. 

If you can't attend this Forum, but might like to participate in future Roundtables, see Rand or email him at

Thursday, July 16, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, July 19 at 9:15 – CONVERSATION ON SPIRITUAL PRACTICE OF TESTIMONY Join our ongoing conversation on each of the ten spiritual practices that our Fall Ashley Lecturer, Diana Butler Bass, finds in vibrant and growing congregations. The fifth practice is Testimony. See the Chronicle article with highlights from Bass' book and reflection questions, and join the lively Forum conversation. Each Conversation stands alone; prior participation is not a pre-requisite. Led by Gary Cyphers, Church Moderator. 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday July 12 at 9:15 FROM GLOBAL WARMING TO CLIMATE CHANGE A Power Point slide presentation outlining the recognition of GLOBAL WARMING in 1957 to its present status. Its production of severe draught in the Southwest will be analyzed. Measures to minimize its other looming threats will be discussed. Presenter: Dr. Stanley Dienst is a retired transplant surgeon. He is a longtime member of Physicians for Social Responsibility. (

Thursday, July 2, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, July 5 at 9:15 – AN OPEN DISCUSSION OF LAST WEEKEND'S LECTURER Last weekend we were privileged to have as our presenter John Philip Newell, noted scholar of Celtic Spirituality, peacemaker, retreat leader and author. Today we will have an open discussion of the ideas, insights and open hearts left in Reverend Newell's wake. You are invited to join Larry Anderson and the O'Keefes for a stimulating discussion. 

Happy, healthy Fourth!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

FCUCC Adult Forum & Prayer Vigil Reminder

Please spread the word about all the Ashley Lectures & the Prayer Vigil. Thanks. 

NOTE: FOR THIS SUNDAY'S FORUM ONLY: This Forum will be held in the Sanctuary and will begin at 9:00 am.(Dr. Newell will also be offering the sermon at the Worship Service which begins at 10:30.) 
This Sunday, June 28 – Walter E. Ashley Memorial Lectures, Distinguished Lecturer Rev. Dr. John Philip Newell is an ordained Church of Scotland Minister, noted scholar of Celtic Spirituality, peacemaker, retreat leader and widely-read author of 15 books, including The Rebirthing of God: Christianity's Struggle for New Beginnings. Formerly Warden of Iona Abbey in the Western Isles of Scotland, he is now companion theologian for the American Spirituality Center of Casa del Sol at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico and co-founder of Heartbeat: A Journey Towards Earth's Wellbeing.

Interfaith Vigil for the Loss of Nine Lives at
Charleston's Mother Emanuel AME Church 
The Henderson County NAACP invites people of all faiths and good will to a vigil to be held on Monday, June 29 @ 12:00 noon. We will gather at the First Congregational Church of Hendersonville located at 1735 5th Avenue West; the intersection of 5th Avenue and White Pine Street.
Through a litany of prayers, we will mourn the lives lost in the Mother Emanuel Church tragedy of June 17. We pray the families of the deceased retain their strength and love already demonstrated to the nation. 
Join with us to stand together as a community-with love-against racism and hatred.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

FCUCC- Ashley Lectures

Hi Forum Friends,

Please remember to get your tickets and spread the word near and far about this great combination of lectures and music.

"Challenge Your Thinking, Inspire Your Faith"

Hendersonville: John Philip Newell , the first speaker in the semi-annual Walter E. Ashley Lecture Series of 2015 will be featured on Friday, June 26 at 7:00 p.m., Saturday, June 27 at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. and Sunday, June 28 at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m in the Sanctuary of First Congregational United Church of Christ, 1735 W. Fifth Ave. An internationally-known author, religious scholar and person of faith, This series unites the Celtic Spirituality of John Philip Newell with the music of Fran McKendree for a vibrant weekend of conversation and inspiration.  John Philip Newell, is a Church of Scotland minister in Edinburgh and the author of the best-selling  book Listening to the Heartbeat of God and most  recently The Rebirthing of God: Christianity's Struggle for New Beginnings.  

Fran McKendree led his folk-rock ensemble McKendree Spring, which played venues from Fillmore East to Carnegie Hall.  Fran found his calling in contemplative Christian music, bringing music as worship to retreats. 

Tickets for the entire weekend, including all lectures, lunch and Saturday night's Wine/Cheese Reception and Concert with Fran McKendree and friends are $100. Individual lecture tickets can be purchased for$25. Saturday night's Wine/Cheese Reception (6:00)and Concert(7:15) tickets are $35.Tickets available on-line with PayPal or Malaprop's Bookstore - Asheville, Highland Books - Brevard, Hendersonville Travel and Tourism Center or First Congregational United Church of Christ. For more information, call 692-8630, or visit   


The second lecturer in the series, Bishop John Shelby Spong, is set for Sept. 25-27, 2015



Thursday, June 18, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, June 21 at 9:15 – Preparing for Ashley Lecturer, John Philip Newell - Larry Anderson Next Sunday's Forum presenter will be the FCC's Distinguished Walter E. Ashley Lecturer, John Philip Newell, well-known scholar of Celtic Spirituality and author of 15 books. Our own Larry Anderson, frequent Forum presenter, retired psychologist, and occasional guest guitarist, will preview some of Newell's prime ideas in order to increase our appreciation of our distinguished Lecturer who will speak June 26-28 on Friday evening, several times on Saturday and on Sunday morning – at Forum and during the Worship Service. Larry will lead a discussion on one of Newell's books, Listening For the Heartbeat of God: A Celtic Spirituality. 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, June 14 at 9:15 - Conversation on the Spiritual Practice of Contemplation -Gary Cyphers, Church Moderator Join our on-going conversation of each of the ten spiritual practices that our fall Ashley Lecturer, Diana Butler Bass, finds in vibrant and growing congregations. The fourth practice is Contemplation: openness for prayer. See the Chronicle article with highlights from Bass' book and reflection questions and join the lively Forum conversation. Each Conversation stands alone; prior participation is not a pre-requisite. 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, June 7 – The Story of the Philadelphia Eleven. Episcopal priests Alison Cheek and Carter Heyward and author Darlene O'Dell will discuss The Story of the Philadelphia Eleven.
Cheek and Heyward were two of the eleven women who defied the Episcopal Church by becoming ordained on July 29, 1974, the denomination's first women priests. After their ordinations, they were very instrumental in helping the media understand why the 11 became ordained (as the covers of Time and Ms. attested at the time). The three will discuss the ordinations and their meaning for the 21st century. 

Alison Cheek, a graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary, taught for many years at Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge. Born and raised in Australia, she is a psychotherapist and mother of four and now lives in Brevard. 

North Carolina native and graduate of Union Theological Seminary, Carter Heyward, is a renowned theologian who has written many books. She also taught for a time at the Cambridge Episcopal Divinity School. She retired to Brevard and established Free Rein, a therapeutic riding center. 

Dr. Darleen O'Dell is a writer and the founder of the Mountain Falls Writing Center in Brevard. She has taught at Clemson University and the College of William and Mary and has published a number of books.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder


Discover what a Texas border security officer learns when he moves in with a family of undocumented workers. Pat and Ed Argue will lead a showing and discussion of this powerful documentary.

Pat, a retired educator and Ed, retired consultant, are members of the Henderson County Immigration Network, the League of Women Voters' Immigration Committee, the Dream Scholarship Committee as well as being "Path to College" mentors. Here at the church, they lead the inclusion group of FCUCC's Social Justice Initiative

Thursday, May 21, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

MAY 24 -  SINKING BENEATH THE CHATTER – AN INTERFAITH APPROACH  - Tina Fire Wolf (Tina Powell) Motivational speaker Tina's purpose is to ignite us, to help us to realize that we are "Spiritually Free." She walks us through a bit of her own "unleashing" – including a 3 foot-tall corn plant growing in her yard overnight – into a place for us to consider a new way of connecting to the world of the unseen, whatever name we give it – God, Higher Self, Great Spirit, etc. And she shares her Tools, Tips and Tales to help us in our journey Home. 

FireWolf says she grew up feral, and then was trained in the fields of biology, education, and interfaith ministry. She is also a self-taught photographer and author of the newly released book of photos and meditations "that will stir you to ask questions, to allow yourself to feel, and inspire you to see life for yourself". 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This SundayMAY 17 at 9:15 – CONVERSATION ON SPIRITUAL PRACTICE OF HEALING - Gary Cyphers. Join our on-going conversation of each of the ten spiritual practices that our fall Ashley Lecturer, Diana Butler Bass, finds in vibrant and growing congregations. The third practice is healing. This conversation is facilitated by Gary Cyphers, the church's Moderator. Each conversation is stand-alone, so prior participation is not necessary. 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, May 10 at 9:15 - The presenter requests that all please be prompt because the program will begin on time. 

  with Dr. Don Emon. 
We are delighted that presenter Don Emon returns to Forum. Don, a retired engineer, has spent four years studying the various models of the universe and existing data.
He will share with us some ideas about the universe including: What has happened in the past?; Where is our portion of the  universe today?; Where does it appear to be going? He is sure that this new model will provide ideas for us to think about and discuss. …

Don has a Ph.D. in Nuclear Science and Engineering and some associated Master's degrees. 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

FCUCC Reminders

This Sunday,May 3 at 9:15 - IT'S A METAPHOR! …MORE CONVERSATION ABOUT GOD, LIFE AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS – Rev. Larry Anderson. Larry, our monthly philosopher/pundit, returns with his entertaining bag of linguistic tricks to whet our mental and spiritual appetites.
Also remember these other two Sunday events: 

the DREAM Scholarship Fun-raising Fiesta for students who must pay out-of-state tuition at NC colleges (four times the in-state rate) in the Immaculata gym, 

the classical guitar concert by Celia Linde in the Sanctuary

Both events are at 3 pm. However, attendance at both is certainly easy, since the terrific home-made Fiesta dinner begins at 4 and is on-going until 6, as is the entertainment and remarks by scholarship recipients.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Adult Forum Reminder


We humans are now able to access 5 billion billion items (!) of new data every month due to the human race's ever-expanding information explosion. How do we protect ourselves from being overwhelmed by this unprecedented challenge to our brains and psyches? Using some old principles of time management and recent findings from current brain research, Ed will lead us in discussing some of the implications on individuals and society of this startling and ever-accelerating rate of change. A recent book by Daniel J. Levitin,The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload will be referenced in the discussion.

 Presenter: Ed O'Keefe was a college administrator and teacher of Time Management 'in the olden days'. He and his wife, Romella, are the coordinators of this Forum.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Adult Forum Reminder


Join our on-going conversation on each of the ten spiritual practices that our fall Ashley Lecturer, Diana Butler Bass, finds in vibrant and growing congregations. The second practice is discernment – listening for truth. See the accompanying article with highlights from Bass' book and reflection questions, and join the Forum conversation facilitated by Gary Cyphers, the church's Moderator. Each conversation is stand-alone, so prior participation is not necessary.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Adult Forum Reminder

This Sunday,April 12 at 9:15 - WHY WE ARE THE WAY WE ARE – Dr. Donald Emon 

The field of Evolutionary Psychology has provided significant insight into why we are the way we are. The basic idea is that we are born with a brain that has information on it that has helped previous generations to survive. It includes a strong attachment to others in OUR TRIBE and provides a basis for why we have racial bias, even though we do not usually act on this bias. This program has been presented a number of times to other audiences and it has resulted in new insights for many people. 

Presenter: Dr. Donald Emon has a Ph.D. in Nuclear Science and Engineering and some associated Master's degrees. A frequent lecturer and discussion leader in Western North Carolina, he is the president of the WNC Chapter of Compassion and Choices.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Adult Forum Reminder

This Sunday, APRIL 5 at 9:15,  EASTER 2015  -  

"Let's talk about FREE WILL and its close cousins, Self Control, Self Awareness, 'Unlimited Potential' and EASTER … a conversation with a good listener, Larry Anderson"        Larry is a frequent presenter at these forums, a former minister and a guitar-playing retired psychologist.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, March 29 at 9:15: Messages to the Heart - Asheville authors Elise and Phil Okrend will offer a discussion based on their coffee table book, "Messages to the Heart, Reflections of Beauty and Truth."  

The couple found that they could extend the harmony in their marriage to bring healing and inspiration to other by combining their separate gifts.  Phil, a life coach, is skilled in working with individuals and groups, using words to bring hope and foster vision.  Elise is a painter who captures the wonder of creation through her pastels.  The two have combined those talents in their coauthored book, ""Messages to the Heart", pairing art and words.  The result is a message that speaks directly to your soul  One example from the book: Phil writes: "Character.  Don't be ashamed of heartache, pain, setback or struggle.  They have the means to shape you to forge courage, truth and to better serve others with the wisdom you gain from going through it.  Each trial you face and overcome is a step of empowerment for yourself and others."  The passage is paired with Elise's pastel landscape, Awakening. As the Okrends share passages and art from their book, we invite you to share your reflections and join in the discussion.  

Thursday, March 19, 2015

FCUCC Adult Forum Reminder

This Sunday,March 22: Conversation on Spiritual Practice : # 1. Hospitality-  First of a series, this week will kick off our year-long monthly conversation of each of ten spiritual practices that our fall Ashley Lecturer Diana Butler Bass identified as existing in vibrant congregations.  The first practice is hospitality-welcoming strangers.  See the accompanying Chronicle article with highlights and reflection questions.  Gary Cyphers, our moderator, will facilitate the conversation.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

FCUCC Adult Forum Reminder

This Sunday,March 15- Earthing (Grounding) Part Two- We will conclude the documentary film and discussion and present other aspects of the Earthing concepts. (See description for March 8 Forum, Part One.) Presenter: Fran Westen

Thursday, March 5, 2015

FCUCC Adult Forum Reminder

This Sunday March 8 – Earthing (Grounding)- Part OneEarthing, or grounding as it is often called, refers to being barefoot outside or in bare skin contact with Earthing products indoors while you sleep, relax or work.  Very recent scientific research has rediscovered that contact with Mother Earth, very common among our ancestors, bestows many profound benefits to our health and well-being and acts as a powerful antidote to our stress-inducing lifestyles. We will introduce the concept of EARTHING and show and discuss the first half of a new documentary film on these recent developments called "Grounded". Part Two will be viewed next Sunday, March 16.Presenter:  Fran Westin, a frequent visitor to Forum,  brought us the information about Earthing and will demonstrate and discuss some of the products available for those of us who are not likely to walk barefoot or sleep outside.  She is a substitute teacher for the Henderson County Schools.  She is an Emotion Code practitioner. 


Thursday, February 26, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, March 1 at 9:15 – Discussion on Big History-  "Let's entertain some further discussion on BIG HISTORY and the awakening of consciousness among humans." Presenter: Larry Anderson is well known to our audience. A former minister and retired psychologist, Larry also plays the guitar. He regularly leads Forum discussions on a myriad of topics. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, February 22 at 9:15LENT: Part 2-Practicing Resurrection: Keeping Lent Alive-  Lent started last week on February 18.  Did it start without you?  There are many, and often good reasons not to observe Lent.  But at what costs?  There is a wildness of our spirit that beckons us.  Today's time together is an opportunity to speak about Lent and its season of ashes, because to go through life well, we must go through resurrection.  With Saints Wendell Berry, Annie Dillard, Cornell West, and Kathleen Norris as companions, we seek to reframe "life" as "resurrection", the word that sponsors this program.

Presenter Marc Mullinax teaches religious studies, philosophy, critical thinking, the examined life, and world religions at Mars Hill University and Ewha Women's University in Seoul, Korea.  He enjoys bringing insights (or is it spelled "incites"?) from these subjects to faith congregations in the WNC area.  An "unrepentant Baptist minister," he looks forward to a lively time of discussion at First Congregational! 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, February 15:  An introduction to the Body Code-"It is the simplest, most direct & most effective healing method in Energy Psychology today." So says Presenter: Pat McCain, RN, D.PSc. Owner of Nature's Answers for You, Pat is a certified practitioner ofThe Emotion Code & The Body Code, authored by Dr. Bradley Nelson. She is commissioned by the Pastoral Medical Association, International. A favorite quote of Pat's is "Nature alone cures.  The task of nursing is to put the patient in the best condition for nature to act upon him."…Florence Nightingale.

For more information on this method of identifying imbalance in body/mind/emotions and restoring health, you may

Thursday, February 5, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, February 8:  LENT: Part 1-Holy Interruptions: A Lenten Wilderness Training and Survival Kit-  What's it about?  Lent is a strange-and diversely celebrated-holy period for Christians.  For basically 1/10th of the year, we get to ask ourselves what it meant to be Jesus, and perhaps what it means to be Jesus' companero.  And so we might think of Lent as somehow "special" or even "unreal"…something out of the ordinary. However, what if Lent is the ordinary reality of discipleship, and its interruption is a kind of spiritual power? Whoa!  Lent could be an explosive time!  Come and get your Lenten tune-up!

This session will be brought to you by the word "interruption." Presenter Marc Mullinax teaches religious studies, philosophy, critical thinking, the examined life, and world religions at Mars Hill University and Ewha Women's University in Seoul, Korea.  He enjoys bringing insights (or is it spelled "incites"?) from these subjects to faith congregations in the WNC area.  An "unrepentant Baptist minister," he looks forward to a lively time of discussion at Frist Congregational!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, February 1 at 9:15Thoughts on "Salvation"- Presenter Larry Anderson has a couple ideas about how Brian McLaren reminded us that salvation (being saved) for the Hebrews meant being "free" from slavery in Egypt.  And for Paul and Silas' jailer it meant being "free" from fear and chains.  For some fundamentalists salvation means being able to recite the six rules they imagined you needed in your head the final moments before death (do I attempt sarcasm?).  Let's entertain some ideas and discussion about what "salvation" is about for you.

Friday, January 23, 2015

FCC Forum & Annual Meeting Reminder

This Sunday, January 25-RITES OF PASSAGE: THE WHITE STONE: CELEBRATING THE COMING OF AGE AND WISDOM - This forum will focus on the need we feel for rituals in our lives to mark the gateways between different phases of life.  Religions and culture in American society have marked some familiar rituals for stages of life while other of life's stages, for example, couples getting divorced, veterans leaving military service, are not addressed. 

We will look at the need for some new rituals to celebrate those life-affecting changes, and celebrate together the coming of age and wisdom as crones and wizards in the White Stone Celebration rite of passage. "To everyone who conquers, I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give a white stone and on the white stone is written a new name that on one knows except the one who receives it." (Rev. 2:17) Come join us, celebrate and find your true wise and new You! 

Romella Hart-O'Keefe will lead us in this celebration. Co-coordinator of the forums, she is an ordained minister.  She has created and conducted many Croning ceremonies honoring women who are ready to join the Wise Woman phase of life.

Also, immediately following worship will be the Annual Meeting. Please plan to attend.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

FCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, January 18 at 9:15 the topic will be THE TIBETAN BOOK OF THE DEAD. Presenter Howard Carl will explain and discuss the beliefs of Tibetan Buddhists with respect to death and the opportunity for reincarnation, as depicted in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the famous and ancient funerary text.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

FCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, January 11- 35 YEARS OF MISSION AND LEPROSY WORK- Member of FCC, Rev. John R. Sams will speak about his long career in the ministry including 17 years with the American Leprosy Missions, four years as President of that group. Prior to that, Rev. Sams spent 14 years in Thailand, and three in the Philippines.While in Thailand, he established one mission 100 miles beyond the closest road. "Our supplies were carried by elephants and we usually walked 20-25 miles a day."

Thursday, January 1, 2015

FCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, January 4- THE EMOTION CODE - The Emotion Code is a simple energetic technique using our bodies via muscle testing,to release trapped emotions which contribute to emotional and physical  pain.The work is about showing love for others using our God-given gift to help ourselves and each other lighten our emotional baggage load, thus healing the world, one person at a time. Presenters Fran Westin, Richard Cram, and Linda Grup are all certified Emotion Code practitioners and are excited share this Gift with others.

Hope 2015 is a blessed, peaceful, healthy year for all.