Thursday, September 24, 2015


Be sure to attend the lectures by BIshop Spong.

Saturday at 10 & 1
Sunday sermon at 10:30 & final lecture at 2

Thursday, September 17, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

 This Sunday,September 20 at 9:15 – PREAMBLE TO BISHOP SPONG. Next week-end's Distinguished Ashley Lecturer, Bishop John Shelby Spong, will likely take us deep into the New Testament story - through the eyes of a scholar who continues to cherish these scriptures. Presenter Larry Anderson will highlight some of Spong's many books to help us get ready.

Remember, next Sunday, September 27 there is NO FORUM. Bishop Spong will be preaching at 10:30.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

 This Sunday,September 13 - THE WAYS OF THE ANCIENT ONES  The modern world is experiencing a revival of interest in the psycho-spiritual technologies of the ancient world. Dr. Jim Nourse, psychologist and acupuncturist, will discuss shamanic and Hawaiian mysticism as practical pathways to problem solving, spirituality and healing for contemporary people. 

Presenter: Dr. Jim's unusual career path includes a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, a diplomate in Classical Chinese Medicine and studies with Native American and Hawaiian elders and healers. He is the author of Simple Spirituality: Finding Your Own Way andOpening the Aloha Mind: Healing Self, Healing the World with Ho'oponopono. He has practice locations in Brevard and Hendersonville. 

Jim will be this year's speaker at the 44th Medicine and Ministry of the Whole Person conference November 5-8 at the Kanuga Conference Center in Hendersonville. Past speakers include Richard Rohr and Cynthia Bourgeault and next year's speaker will be John Philip Newell.