Thursday, October 29, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, November 1 at 9:15 – VARIETIES OF SPIRITUAL GROWTH – Larry Anderson "We are constantly looking for a way back to oneness or for a connection with each other and the world."  – Singer/song writer James Taylor. 

Larry Anderson, guitarist, retired minister/psychologist, will lead a discussion exploring varieties of spiritual growth.

Happy Halloween and remember to  "FALL BACK."

Friday, October 23, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, October 25 – WRITERS' FORUM -This will be the second quarterly FCUCC Writers' Forum. Writers of poetry and fiction who would like to read from their work are invited to register in advance with either Rand Bishop (697-0090; or Ed O'Keefe (890-4889;

Thursday, October 15, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, October 18 at 9:15 – PILGRIMAGE TO IONA ISLAND -Recently Ashley lecturer John Philip Newell whetted our appetites for the Scottish island of Iona where St. Columba founded a monastery in the Sixth Century and which has been a pilgrimage destination for well over a thousand years. 

Pilgrimage is a form of spiritual journey. As we travel through physical time and space to places of spiritual power and inspiration, we are also on a quest to the Sacred within. Iona, a place of incomparable natural beauty, has inspired artists and theologians by its remarkable sense that God is near. Through slides and music, Linda McFadden and Philip Wiehe will describe a pilgrimage to Iona and answer questions about this special place. 

Recently received into our congregation, Rev. Linda McFadden is a retired UCC minister; Rev. Philip Wiehe, a retired Episcopal priest.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


This Sunday, October 11 – CONVERSATION ON SPIRITUAL PRACTICE OF JUSTICE  - Gary Cypers, Church Moderator  

Join our ongoing conversation on each of the ten spiritual practices that our fall 2014 Ashley lecturer, Diana Butler Bass, finds in vibrant and growing congregations. The seventh practice is Justice. See this month's Chronicle with highlights from Bass' book and reflection questions, and join our lively Forum conversation. Each Conversation stands alone; prior participation is not a pre-requisite.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

October 4 – FOLLOW-UP TO BISHOP SPONG'S PRESENTATIONS-Let's hear from each other what we took from last week's John Shelby Spong lectures. Larry Anderson, retired minister/psychologist will lead the discussion.