Every Sunday at 9:15 in the Felix Building our Adult Forum presents programs designed to encourage members to explore new ideas as well as to deepen their religious faith. Lectures, panels, videos and discussions examine all aspects of spirituality, other religions (Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism,et.al.) and the Bible. All points of view are welcome.... no correct doctrine required. A FORUM is just that...an open exchange of views. Join us.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
"End of Year Spiritual Celebrations"
This Sunday, December 29, in "End of Year Spiritual Celebrations" led by Romella Hart-O’Keefe and Ed O’Keefe, Forum coordinators, two of the most popular end-of-year rituals and spiritual practices (Bowl Burning and World Healing Meditation) will be explained and experienced. Bowl Burning is a ritual cleansing whereby we are guided to privately write on a sheet of paper events and actions that we have done or that have happened to us or loved ones during the past year that we would like to erase, overcome, or have disappear from our experience. These papers are then collected and ceremoniously burned. The World Healing Prayer, first produced and spread worldwide by writer/lecturer John Randolph Price and the Quartus Foundation in 1986, is recited by millions of people in many countries at the same time each year, on December 31. We will be celebrating the prayer early on December 29. This will be the 28thyear for this celebrated prayer.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
"Feng Shui – The Bagua Map"
This Sunday, December 8, Judith Nourse, RN will discuss "Feng Shui – The Bagua Map." Feng Shui is a language of symbols, a philosophy that tells us how our surroundings are affecting every aspect of our lives – our relationships, our spiritual connection, our finances, even the quality of our sleep, our health and wellbeing. The bagua map is a diagram that is superimposed over a floor plan to reveal how Nourishing Ch’i, the life force or energy field that we live in, flows through a home, a building, and even individual rooms. Judith returns to explain the use of this tool. Be prepared for ‘aha moments’ as you begin to associate the bagua with what’s happening in your life. Judith became interested in Feng Shui when she learned that, at its core, it’s all about health and wellbeing. She is a graduate of the Western School of Feng Shui, and combines this school of philosophy with the Tibetan Buddhist approach in her consulting practice.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Advent forums begin this Sunday, December 1 at 9:15 with Luther Dowdy leading"WHICH SIDE OF THE HILL DO YOU LIVE ON?" One can live on the mean side of the hill and be threatened by those who have shadows, but have chosen to celebrate the light. Another person may choose to live on the kind side of the hill with their shadows, but have chosen to celebrate the darkness. The souls of both need food and have a right to be wherever they find themselves. Prayer is an essential food for both. You are invited to explore motives in choosing to live on either the mean or kind side of the hill. The goal in this Forum is self-renewal and food for the soul of those in attendance.
Friday, November 22, 2013
"A Rampage of Appreciation: Poetry for Thanksgiving."
Don't forget our "Love for Logan" event Saturday at 5 pm, with the concert from 6-8. Spread the word and buy tickets at the door.
On Sunday, Romella Hart-O'Keefe will coordinate "A Rampage of Appreciation: Poetry for Thanksgiving." All are invited to bring a favorite poem for this Thanksgiving session of Forum. Volunteers will be asked to read a poem (or several if there’s time) and lead a discussion after the reading if they wish. You are invited – but not required – to provide copies (20) for the audience.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
"Walking the Labyrinth"
This Sunday, Nov. 17, we will be "Walking the Labyrinth" with Sam Richardson. This session will be experiential. There will be a portable labyrinth (made of cloth, 18 feet in diameter) laid out on the floor for walking, prayer and meditation. Before the experience, an introduction will be presented which will include some of the ancient and modern history of labyrinths and suggestions for how to most effectively walk the labyrinth. Walking a labyrinth is a personal and individual experience. Everyone’s experience will be different. After the walk, there will be time for discussion/sharing the experience.
A native of Hendersonville, Sam is a graduate of the University of Richmond in Virginia. He spent four years flying for the Navy as a flight officer as a bombardier/navigator, specializing in radar intelligence. During his business career, Mr. Richardson owned and operated several businesses. Now retired, he is a very active volunteer for Hospice in Asheville. Sam’s introduction to labyrinths came through his twenty year career as a professional dowser. Over the past 15 years, he has created many labyrinths located in many states from Massachusetts to Georgia, including one at the Unity Center in Mills River. He has also been for many years an energy healer; he is certified as Master Instructor in Integrated Energy Therapy.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Lecia Brooks Brings Love and Understanding to bear upon Intolerance and Extremism in America
Making a Difference
Lecia Brooks,
Director of Outreach for the Southern
Poverty Law Center (SPLC) was the guest speaker for this evening’s
Fellowship Super at the First
Congregational Church of Christ. The SPLC is based in Montgomery, Alabama;
home to Rosa Parks and the incident that sparked the civil rights movement in
America. A movement, though not in its infancy, has a great deal more to
Ms. Brooks honored our veterans with shared history and insight
into Armistice Day , a
day to honor peace after the horrors of WWI. She then lead us down our own memory
lane of civil rights history correcting and enhancing many of our TV memory snippets
with vivid colorful images of real people. People caught in everyday moments
that, because of the choices they made, changed history. The true grit and courage of
those names we have heard before; Rosa
Parks, John Lewis
and Martin
Luther King. The strength of Lecia Brooks presence, her words melded with her sincerity and
dedication, congealed in her humility and humor to make her a most approachable
and inspirational speaker. Her topic, “The State of
Intolerence and Extremeism in the US” was delivered with such precision and
substance that everyone with a pulse let alone conscience could not escape the
reality that we, as a nation, as yet, have not overcome and to those of us who feel that
something should be done, her message was simple; you can and you should Speak Up.
The little pamphlet “I
will speak up against Bias” can be so powerful if put into action:
Like everything simple, it still, is not easy. But maybe,
just maybe, with practice, with repetition, maybe we… maybe I, can
make a difference. Lecia Brooks
certainly is.
Friday, November 8, 2013
"Spirits in Nature revealed in Photography."
This Sunday, Nov. 10 at 9:15, Alan Ostmann will present "Spirits in Nature revealed in Photography." He says "As most of us are aware the universe is a complex multidimensional place. Within these many dimensions are a variety of seen and unseen beings. My love of photography has blended with my spiritual path and love of nature to reveal the faces of many of these spirits. Anything that we respect and love unconditionally will reveal its true self. I know that living this philosophy is why I am able to capture the spirits in nature as I do.
My love of photography began in the age of the Kodak Brownie. My professional career took the path of a CPA and today I continue to work with over 120 clients. The evolution of digital photography became a perfect blend of my computer knowledge and my eye for capturing nature in photos. Please note that all my photos are pure and unedited. There is no enhancement or editing in my work. The earth is a complex living entity that deserves our respect and unconditional love. Let us all commit to living a greener life."
My love of photography began in the age of the Kodak Brownie. My professional career took the path of a CPA and today I continue to work with over 120 clients. The evolution of digital photography became a perfect blend of my computer knowledge and my eye for capturing nature in photos. Please note that all my photos are pure and unedited. There is no enhancement or editing in my work. The earth is a complex living entity that deserves our respect and unconditional love. Let us all commit to living a greener life."
Thursday, October 31, 2013
"Let’s Talk Evolution II: Michael Dowd – Did You Hear What I Heard?"
Remember to set your clocks BACK one hour and come at 9:15 on Sunday, Nov. 3, when Larry Anderson will lead "Let’s Talk Evolution II: Michael Dowd – Did You Hear What I Heard?" Bring your notes, comments and questions for a spirited discussion of the Ashley Lectures.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
"Religion 2.0 -- The Sacred Side of Science: Redeeming God, Evolving Faith, Saving Humanity"
Michael Dowd's topic this weekend will be
"Religion 2.0 -- The Sacred Side of Science:
Redeeming God, Evolving Faith, Saving Humanity"
OVERALL DESCRIPTION: A worldwide meta-religious movement has been emerging for decades, largely unnoticed, at the nexus of science, inspiration, and sustainability. Beliefs are inconsequential. What unites us are a pool of common values, priorities, and commitments re living in right relationship to reality and working together in service of a just and healthy future for humanity and the larger body of life. Reality is our God, evidence is our scripture, big history is our creation story, ecology is our theology, integrity is our religion, and ensuring a healthy future is our mission.
SAT 10am - 12 noon:
"Sacred Science and the New Theism: Right Relationship to Reality in the 21st Century"
SAT 1pm - 3pm:
"The Future Is Calling Us to Greatness: How Honoring Human Nature and Death Helps Us Cherish Life -- and Leave a Sweet Legacy and a Livable Planet"
SUN Adult Forum: 9:00 (time change)
"The Salvation of Religion? -- Evidence As Scripture, Ecology As Theology"
SUN Sermon:
"God Rebukes Religious Right: Repent or Face Hell and High Water"
Rev. Michael Dowd is an evolutionary theologian, bestselling author, and evangelist for Big History and an honorable relationship to future. His bridge-building book, Thank God for Evolution, was endorsed by 6 Nobel Prize-winning scientists, noted skeptics, and by religious leaders across the spectrum. His work has been featured favorably in The New York Times, LA Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Newsweek, Wired, Discover, and on CNN, ABC News, and Fox News.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
"Let’s Talk Evolution: Getting Ready for Michael Dowd"
This Sunday, Oct. 20 at 9:15, "Let’s Talk Evolution: Getting Ready for Michael Dowd" will be led by our own Larry Anderson & Ed O’Keefe.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
"Can We Have a WORD?"
This Sunday Oct. 13 at 9:15, our own Rev. Larry Anderson will lead "Can We Have a WORD?—The Ever Changing Language of Faith from Jesus to Paul to Luther to Osteen"
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
For the next three Sundays, September 15, 22 and 29,our own Bob Miles will lead a three-part discussion of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) a unique personality assessment, which is based on concepts developed by Carl Jung and refined as an inventory for the past 50 years. It is used in counseling and workplace settings for personal growth and staff development.
Before retiring in 2011, Bob was a licensed counselor and Director of Career Services at a community college in New Haven, CT, where he used the MBTI extensively in career counseling and presented applications of the MBTI to writing, psychology and business classes, as well as counseling conferences.
The first session, September 15 is intended for those unfamiliar with, or interested in a review of, the MBTI that suggests how we take in information and make decisions. The goal is for each participant to decide, at least tentatively, on a four-letter personality “type;” a self-scoring assessment will be available to complete at home. In the second session we will discuss applications of the MBTIand the chronological progression through four functions, leading to a discussion in the third week of the last function we develop, referred to as the “inferior” or “shadow” function, which often leads us in a more spiritual direction.
On September 22, we will discuss applications of the MBTI familiar to some members of the congregation and a hierarchy of four functions that are developed chronologically. Those with a four-letter type will learn their developmental sequence.Those who do not know their type may contact Bob for a self-scoring inventory.
On September 29, we will explore the “inferior” or “shadow” function that usually is unconscious through mid-life and receives more attention later in life, which can lead to a focus on more spiritual values. A self-scoring assessment will be available for those who did not complete it earlier.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Feng Shui Eyes
On September 8, Judith Nourse will share some stories that will open your "Feng Shui Eyes," and you will never see your home in the same way again! ...In the mid 90's, when working as a registered nurse, Judith Nourse heard Terah Collins, Caroline Myss, and Dr. Christiane Northrup present at a conference in Washington, DC. Collins spoke on Feng Shui, Northrup on why people get sick, and Myss on why people don't heal. In a magical moment, something between the lines of their talks clicked for Judith. Thus began what has grown into her most intriguing and fulfilling of careers, as a Feng Shui consultant with a focus on wellbeing. Judith will explain how and why the surroundings you live in may be having an enormous effect on certain aspects of your life, including your health.
Judith is a 1999 graduate of the Western School of Feng Shui, San Diego, and has been in an affiliate mentorship program for 11 years in Tibetan Buddhist Feng Shui. In addition to Feng Shui consulting for individuals, couples and businesses, she is a board certified reflexologist, teaching seminars to licensed healthcare practitioners for Cross Country Education. Judith lives in Hendersonville with her husband, Jim Nourse, an acupuncturist and clinical psychologist.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
“Sacred Sites of England”
This Sunday, September 1, Marty Cain, an award-winning art educator, sculptor and labyrinth designer will discuss “ Sacred Sites of England.” She will show slides of ancient sacred sites she has visited in England and share with you her experiences while there. She will explain what makes them "sacred" and why one would want to create new sacred sites today and how to do just that.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
“Mindfulness, Aging and the Brain.”
This Sunday, August 25 at 9:15, Helene Cohen. a licensed speech pathologist, who for the past twenty six years has held clinical and administrative positions in rehabilitation services serving both pediatrics and adults will discuss “Mindfulness, Aging and the Brain.”
She will present evidence based risks and protective factors for dementia, provide a brief overview of a brain healthy lifestyle in which spirituality is one component, identify the relationship between attention and memory, propose mindfulness as a method to facilitate attention skills, discuss brain research related to meditation and mindfulness, demonstrate a brief mindful meditation as cited in one of the presented studies, give examples of traditional and nontraditional mindfulness practices for home carryover.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Who Are Catholic Nuns?
This Sunday, August 18, at 9:15, Sister Kathleen Terlau will discuss “Who Are Catholic Nuns?” Come meet one. Ask questions you’ve always wondered about them. Our speaker is a member of the Sisters For Christian Community. She has spent the last 61 years ministering as a teacher, a social worker, and, (hopefully, she says) as a friend. She is now retired and lives in Hendersonville (not in a convent, as she will explain).
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Cooler Smarter
For the next two Sundays, August 4 and 11 at 9:15, Melissa Melum will be facilitating sessions on the book Cooler Smarter, written by a group from the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), an organization advocating sound, science-based environmental policy. For this book, UCS staff did a thorough study of the global warming impact of a range of consumer choices and behaviors, sorting through what choices really have an impact and what really isn't so important (but may get a lot of hyper). It's an easy real, but full of interesting and authoritative material.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
"The Oneness Blessing"
This Sunday, July 28 at 9:15 our own Diane Swift,a psychotherapist for almost 40 years, a spiritual seeker and teacher for almost as long, and a blessing giver since 2009, will speak about "The Oneness Blessing." Known as “deeksha”, the Oneness Blessing was discovered in Southern India and is quickly spreading throughout the world. It is a transfer of energy to initiate higher states of consciousness by helping individuals to connect with their own divine and experience their oneness with all that is. This forum will be mainly experiential with an opportunity for individuals to receive a oneness blessing.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
"Spiritual Direction"
This Sunday, July 21 at 9:15 Jacqueline Combs, a Spiritual Care Provider in the Western NC area working with individuals and groups, will present a talk on “Spiritual Direction.” She will be sharing her perspective on one’s Spiritual Journey and direction, including some of her experiences that affected the direction of her own sacred journey.
For a preview of the Forum on July 28 go to the link below at this week's MountainXpress. It includes the interview with our own Diane Swift, but not the photo. Entire article is on bulletin board in Felix hallway. http://www.mountainx. com/article/51295/IN-THE- SPIRIT
Saturday, July 13, 2013
FCC Adult Discussion Forum: "Changing the Dream"
This Sunday July 14 at 9:15 Pam Prather and Charley Rogers will present a one-hour synopsis of the Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream symposium which was held at FCC earlier this year.
On August 4 and 11, Melissa Melum will be facilitating sessions on the book Cooler Smarter, written by a group from the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), an organization advocating sound, science-based environmental policy.
For this book, UCS staff did a thorough study of the global warming impact of a range of consumer choices and behaviors, sorting through what choices really have an impact and what really isn't so important (but may get a lot of hyper). It's an easy real, but full of interesting and authoritative material. If you have not already purchased your book,contact Melissa at mfm322@gmail.com
Friday, July 5, 2013
"Beyond War" & "Changing the Dream"
The next two Sundays,July 7 and 14 at 9:15 will be a two-session forum presented by Pam Prather and Charley Rogers, retired Hendersonville residents who have been co-facilitating workshops dealing with world peace, compassionate listening, and social justice issues for the past 2 years. They have facilitated multiple sessions in Hendersonville of the 5 week course on Beyond War
They attended an Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream symposium in February of 2012. This symposium addressed environmental sustainability, spiritual fulfillment, and social justice and did it so profoundly, that this became their commitment, to become two of over 3000 volunteer facilitators around the world. Pam and Charley have conducted 11 symposiums around western North Carolina during the past year, including the First Congregational Church.
July 7 will be "Beyond War," showing an introductory DVD, followed by a compassionate listening activity to illustrate how to reduce the sense of “enemy”. The enemy is simply one whose story has not been told.
July 14 will be a one-hour synopsis of the Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream symposium which was held at FCC earlier this year.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Mr. and Mrs. God
For the next two Sundays, June 23 & 30, at 9:15, Biblical scholar, John Snodgrass, will return to present "Mr. and Mrs. God." The prophets often wrote about Israel as the wife of God. In this course we'll look at the stormy relationship between God and Israel the Old Testament. We'll also be examining some of the male and female characteristics of God in the Bible.
John Snodgrass has taught Religion at several churches around Hendersonville, and at Brevard and Blue Ridge Community College. He is the author of Genesis and the Rise of Civilization and Turning the Tables: Farming and Feeding in the Gospels. He lives in Hendersonville with his wife and two children.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Correct Dates
The correct dates for the Brian McLaren sessions are Sundays, June 2, 9 and 16.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Brian McLaren - "A New Kind of Christianity"
This Sunday, June 1 at 9:15 we will chat with Larry Anderson about Brian McLaren, the first 2013 Ashley lecturer.
McLaren himself will lead Forum the following week, June 8 at 9:00 on “Christian Identity in a Multi-Faith World.”
We will reflect on his visit Sunday, June 15 at 9:15
McLaren himself will lead Forum the following week, June 8 at 9:00 on “Christian Identity in a Multi-Faith World.”
We will reflect on his visit Sunday, June 15 at 9:15
Larry says "It will not spoil it if you check him out on the web....especially youtube. His interview 'An Evening With Brian McLaren 2009' shows Brian is a sweetie. He will delight you with his courage, vision and openness. We are in for a deepening of our spiritual quest."
Certainly sounds great!
Friday, May 24, 2013
Bridges of Hope
This Sunday, May 26th at 9:15, Nancy Moreland and Valerie Holcombe with our local chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI Four Seasons) will present Bridges of Hope, a look at how NAMI is responding to the needs of persons with mental illness and their families, and what we can all do help.
Hope you all have a safe, happy Memorial Day.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
This Sunday, May 19th, our own Clay Eddelman, M.D., will help us take a look at the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. As a psychiatrist with the Veterans’ Administration, Clay has much experience in working with military personnel suffering from PTSD. But did you know that persons don’t have to have experienced war to experience PTSD? Come and learn more about this often overlooked mental health issue.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
“Transpersonal Psychology.”
On April 28, Dr. Jim Nourse, Ph.D., a local, practicing clinical psychologist at the Center for Integrated Health and Healing in Brevard, will discuss “Transpersonal Psychology.” This is a school of psychology which advocates that the spiritual component of life is a vital part of a person's well-being. Although the transpersonal psychologist does not advocate for any particular religion or denomination, he believes that individuals are helped by learning to discover within themselves sources of wisdom, inspiration and a deeper understanding of their relationship to the whole of life.
Friday, April 19, 2013
“Celebrating the Mystic Life... with Worms.”
This Sunday, April 21 at 9:15, our own Diane Rhoades will be “Celebrating the Mystic Life... with Worms.” Cultivate a more mindful, grateful, and sustainable life with the company of the unseen, underground alchemists of the soil. Diane, a worm rancher of 24 years, will bring her worms to Forum and shed light on the surprising ways that these small, muscular friends give us vitamins, minerals, and a healthier life. Being connected to life, all life, and feeling the repercussions of our actions to support all of life is a mystical experience. Let worms jump start us to understanding the beautiful and powerful interdependence all around us.
Friday, April 5, 2013
“The Legacy of Howard Thurman”
This Sunday, April 7 at 9:15, “The Legacy of Howard Thurman” will be Michael J. S. Carter’s topic. The Pastor of the Unitarian Universalist Church in Black Mountain, Michael is well-versed on the life and writings of Howard Thurman, an African-American scholar and author who greatly influenced Martin Luther King, Jr. Come and have a cross-cultural experience as we take a look at Thurman’s legacy and how it influences our society today.
Friday, March 22, 2013
“Open Heart Meditation.”
On March 24, Palm Sunday, our own Romella Hart O’Keefe and Joyce Burgess (who had to cancel last month) will explain “Open Heart Meditation.” Practiced by thousands of people around the world, Open Heart Meditation reminds us that the peace, calmness and happiness we so long for can be found within us. In this beautiful 20 minute guided meditation, we can feel Love and Light pour into our spiritual heart so that it can cleanse, open and strengthen our heart and radiate freely from our heart. With practice, as our heart becomes stronger, we become more peaceful and more joyful and able to follow our heart's own inner guidance to be happier in our daily life. Our connection to the True Source of Love and Light is strengthened, which also makes this meditation a way of deepening any other spiritual practices we may already be following.
On March 31, Easter Sunday there will be No Forum.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
"The Puzzles and Power of Pesach."
This Sunday, March 17 at 9:15, our neighbor, Rabbi Phil Cohen of Agudas Israel Congregation will speak with us about the Passover Festival. "Why IS this night different from all other nights? The texts, themes, and, above all, the puzzles and power of Pesach."
Thursday, February 28, 2013
“The Thought and Writings of Ken Wilber.”
This Sunday and next, March 3 & 10, Larry Anderson and Ed O'Keefe will present a study of “The Thought and Writings of Ken Wilber.” Who is Ken Wilber? According to Jack Crittenden Ph.D., author of Beyond Individualism, “the twenty-first century literally has three choices: Aristotle, Nietzsche, or Ken Wilber.” If you haven’t already heard of him, Ken Wilber is one of the most important philosophers in the world today. He is the most widely translated academic writer in America, with 25 books, all still in print and translated into some 30 foreign languages. He founded the Integral Institute, a think-tank for studying integral theory and practice using the Integral Approach which is the coordination of all the different methods and practices used to bring forth different experiences available to human beings. In other words, the Integral Approach is experiential and psychoactive. It is a series of cutting-edge practices designed to acquaint us with the many dimensions of our own Being.
Friday, February 22, 2013
"webinar" by Brian McLaren
This Sunday, February 24, Larry Anderson and Ed O'Keefe will show and discuss the amazing "webinar" by Brian McLaren on levels or waves of spiritual growth which all of us experience. Several of us have seen the web seminar and see it as a great program.
Brian will be our Walter Ashley Lecturer in June so his thoughts are especially timely, though not the same as his coming lectures The webinar theme is closely related to the series that Ed and Larry will begin March 3 about the writing of Ken Wilber and several other writers on social/spiritual/personal/cosm ic evolution. This "webinar" will likely take the full hour of FORUM...so we will start promptly at 9:15am. Please make an effort to be early or on time.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Joyce has cancelled due to a family emergency, so there will be no forum this Sunday. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
“Open Heart Meditation.”
Hi Folks,
This Sunday, February 17 at 9:15 Joyce Burgess will be sharing a meditation technique called “Open Heart Meditation.” This will involve a little bit of talking and sharing, but mostly experiencing what connecting with our hearts can do for us.
Our heart is so special because the core of our heart has a direct connection with our Creator. Our heart is the center for receiving the blessings of Love and Light. The deepest peace, love and joy available to us in earthly existence, is the spark of love and light in the core of our hearts. The more we allow our hearts to open, the more we can experience and share peace, love and joy. This has a profound healing affect on every level of our being as well as on our families and communities.
Joyce has been a student of metaphysics for over 45+ years and has practiced many different forms of meditation. In her own words, “Open Heart Meditation” is the easiest and most profound experience with meditating I have found to date.”
Joyce taught meditation classes as well as other forms of spiritual classes while in VA for 27 years. She is a teacher of animals, children, and adults.
Joyce has been living in Asheville since 2007. She moved here with her husband after retiring from 25 years of teaching elementary school in VA. She loves mountain living!
Don't we all? Happy Valentine's Day.
Friday, January 18, 2013
The next two Sundays,January 20 and 27 at 9:15 the topic will be “PEAK EXPERIENCES – A SHARING OF ECSTATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY INSIGHTS.” In this two-part presentation, Ed O’Keefe will explore the concept of peak experiences, those “mountain-top moments” when we are suddenly taken out of ourselves – unforgettable ecstatic events in which we experience our oneness with the universe. Romella was originally to present with Ed, but she'll be there in spirit. He will present examples from his recently published book, Take It From the Top: What To Do With a Peak Experience. The book’s thesis is that these events are increasing in number and intensity and that Peak Experiences are engines of evolutionary development which is clearly speeding up in our time. Participants will be encouraged to share some of their personal peak experiences.
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