Monday, November 11, 2013

Lecia Brooks Brings Love and Understanding to bear upon Intolerance and Extremism in America

Making a Difference

Lecia Brooks, Director of Outreach for the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) was the guest speaker for this evening’s Fellowship Super at the First Congregational Church of Christ. The SPLC is based in Montgomery, Alabama; home to Rosa Parks and the incident that sparked the civil rights movement in America. A movement, though not in its infancy, has a great deal more to accomplish.

Ms. Brooks honored our veterans with shared history and insight into Armistice Day , a day to honor peace after the horrors of WWI. She then lead us down our own memory lane of civil rights history correcting and enhancing many of our TV memory snippets with vivid colorful images of real people. People caught in everyday moments that, because of the choices they made, changed history. The true grit and courage of those names we have heard before; Rosa Parks, John Lewis and Martin Luther King. The strength of Lecia Brooks presence, her words melded with her sincerity and dedication, congealed in her humility and humor to make her a most approachable and inspirational speaker. Her topic, “The State of Intolerence and Extremeism in the US” was delivered with such precision and substance that everyone with a pulse let alone conscience could not escape the reality that we, as a nation, as yet, have not overcome and to those of us who feel that something should be done, her message was simple; you can and you should Speak Up

The little pamphlet “I will speak up against Bias” can be so powerful if put into action:

Like everything simple, it still, is not easy. But maybe, just maybe, with practice, with repetition, maybe we… maybe I, can 
make a difference. Lecia Brooks certainly is.

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