Please join us for all these forums which resume at 9:15 on September 7 – Continuing the Conversation About Solar Energy: The presenters will be “Green Team” leaders from two local congregations who have installed solar panels, or will be doing so shortly: Ron Martin-Adkins from First Congregational Asheville and Jim Neal from Church of the Holy Family, Mills River. Come join the conversation and learn more from people who have first – hand experience with this in a church environment.
September 14 & 21 – Meeting the Four Greatest Wisdom Teachers of the Past: Starting in the 6th Century BCE four great wisdom movements arose in various locations around the civilized world. Dr. Earle Rabb will introduce us to these wisdom teachers who dramatically changed the trajectory of the human race. They have taught humanity the challenge of how to live as individuals and in community with each other. In these two sessions we will explore these four wisdom traditions and the impact they have had on humanity, even down to our present day.
Dr. Rabb is a retired United Methodist minister. He is an experienced leader of numerous workshops and seminars, and is the author of the book, The Case of the Missing person: How Discovering Jesus of Nazareth Can Transform Individuals and Communities. He and his wife, Ann, reside in Brevard, where they are active members in the local Unitarian Universalist congregation. Dr. Rabb is the founder and current president of the only shelter for the homeless in Transylvania County.
September 28- Bring Back the Monarch!: Nina Veteto will explain why the monarch butterfly population is in steep decline. Come learn all about the monarch life cycle and its incredible migration, as well as ways to help this natural beauty recover. There will be free milkweed seeds and milkweed plants for sale.
A former classroom teacher, Nina Veteto has a master’s degree in education. She has spent the last few years as an environmental educator, teaching students about the miracle of the monarch and its migration. Most recently, Nina has formed Monarch Rescue, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating monarch habitat in and around WNC and educating the public about the plight of the monarch and pollinators in general. Visit
October 5 – What about “Christianity for the Rest of Us?”: Rev. Larry Anderson will lead a discussion about the provocative ideas of Diana Butler Bass, the featured Distinguished Lecturer for the Walter E. Ashley Memorial Lecture Series, next week-end, October 10-12.
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