Friday, December 21, 2012


DECEMBER 23 and 30 will be our WINTER BREAK with NO FORUM on those days. We resume on January 6.

Peaceful, healthy holidays and 2013 to all.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Mary Magdalene

This Sunday, December 16 at 9:15 Dr. Hal Littleton will be back with us again to take a fresh and different look at Mary Magdalene, her place in the New Testament, in church history, and in contemporary scholarship.

DECEMBER 23 and 30 will be our WINTER BREAK with NO FORUM on those days. We resume on January 6.

Peaceful, healthy holidays and 2013 to all.

Friday, December 7, 2012

“Happy Holidays? Let’s Talk About Grief”

This Sunday, December 9 at 9:15 the topic will be “Happy Holidays?  Let’s Talk About Grief” with  Dr. Jill Bierwirth. This time of year, with its gatherings and traditions, can be difficult for those who have experienced losses, whether recent or distant.  How can we help ourselves and others to find joy and meaning during the holidays, when so much of life has changed for us? 

On Saturday don't forget to spread the word and come early to our holiday cookie and book sale from 10 - 2.

Friday, November 30, 2012

"If Jesus was a mystic... what does it mean to follow him?

Our December sessions begin  this Sunday, the 2nd at 9:15 with our own enigmatic Larry Anderson considering "If Jesus was a mystic... what does it mean to follow him? More enigmas and conundrums."  

Friday, November 23, 2012

"Writing Our Eulogies."

This Sunday, the 25th, at 9:15, Roger Smith, Maralee McMillan and Richard Weidler will finish the workshops on "Writing Our Eulogies." The title is a somewhat catchy shorthand for an elusive but hopefully meaningful and perhaps even useful bit of introspection--- looking inward, thinking about, and ideally putting into words a description of our faith journey as we contemplate the ultimate culmination of our wanderings.  Whether you see yourself as a traditional Christian headed to heaven or as a questing pilgrim still looking for answers to the great riddles of the universe, trying to sum up what it has all meant might well be an interesting and useful exercise for any of us, and might also be useful to Richard or whoever might be leading our funeral celebration or memorial services.  How do we want others to remember us?  What would we like known, and emphasized?  What words, and what tone, would be most appropriate?  These are some of the questions they will try to contemplate in the "Eulogy" forum meeting(s), in workshop format. 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Virus/Spam Alert Google Mail Spam/Hacked into PeteandTess account and is sending out Spam

To All
Something or someone has apparently hacked into my gmail contact list and is sending out emails with a link in the body of the email that  includes the word "plugins" in it- I don't want to include the actual link in this email. That email is Not coming from me! - Please Delete that email without clicking on the link.
I am sorry for any inconvenience this is causing. I am going to try to report this problem to Google and may just have to close my GMail account.
Pete Tintle

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Introduction to Pendulum Dowsing."*

Remember to *"fall back"* and then come to our November Forum sessions
beginning this *Sunday, November 4** *at* 9:15* with *"**Introduction to
Pendulum Dowsing."*   Dowsing, an ancient and honored activity historically
associated with the finding of underground water, consists of techniques
for getting in touch with the subconscious mind to ascertain and manipulate
energy patterns. Dowsing can be used in many other ways besides finding
water - for knowledge, guidance, and healing of self and others.  A
pendulum, a weight on a string, is a read-out device, a tool dowsers use to
ascertain, classify and quantify that information.

*Part 1 (November 4 Forum)* will introduce the concepts and some of the
instruments  used by dowsers and will teach the rudiments of using the
pendulum.  A simple pendulum will be provided each person. Everyone will be
encouraged to practice the simple techniques during the week between

*Part 2 (November 11 Forum)* will be used for feedback and further uses for
this tool. Persons are encouraged to attend both sessions. However, persons
who miss the first session, November 4, are welcome to attend Part 2.

*            Our presenters, Romella Hart-O’Keefe and Ed O’Keefe, were
trained at the Expanded School of Dowsing at the national headquarters of
the American Society of Dowsers in Danville, Vt. Their own lives have been
enriched by this ancient art, and they have taught hundreds of people the
rudiments of dowsing.***


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Living With Depression

This last Sunday of Daylight Saving Time, October 28 at 9:15 in LIVING WITH DEPRESSION our own Jill Bierwirth, Rich Cooke and  Clay Eddleman will be looking at the condition from a doctor's and patients' points of view. Clay will talk about diagnosing and treating. Rich and Jill will talk about living with depression. 

Remember NEXT Sunday, November 4 to "fall back" to Eastern Standard Time.

Friday, October 19, 2012

20th Century Mystics

This Sunday,October 21 at 9:15, our new member Bob Shuford will be discussing 20th Century Mystics, so be your ever-ready selves with comments and questions.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


This Sunday, October 14 at 9:15  our topic will be JESUS: THE MAN WHO GOT IT RIGHT  (discussion: what exactly did Jesus get right?) and THE CHURCH THAT GOT IT WRONG (discussion: what is it that the church got wrong?) 
Back by popular demand, our returning presenter, Dr. Earle Rabb, is a scholar with the Jesus Seminar living in Brevard. His book "The Case of the Missing Person" about how the church has left out Jesus, caused a stir in our book group after his last visit.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


This Sunday, Sept. 30 at 9:15 the topic will be EVOLUTIONARIES.  Larry Anderson will give a brief look at the book that everyone is talking about by Carter Phipps.     We may all reflect on how we have (or can) evolve as a species, as a culture, as an individual, as a cosmos.    Fun stuff.  

Don't miss it and spread the word.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Post-Dr. Borg Discussion

This Sunday, September 23, at 9:15 our own Roger Haagenson and Rev. Larry Anderson will follow-up on Dr. Borg's lectures so bring your reactions, comments and questions to what he said during a terrific weekend.

Friday, September 14, 2012

"Thinking about God: How it Matters"

This Sunday, September 16 at 9:00 in the Sanctuary, Dr. Marcus Borg, our Ashley Memorial Lecturer, will discuss"Thinking about God: How it Matters."
At the 10:30 worship service he will preach on "What's It All About?" There is no charge for either of these events.

His first lecture will be tomorrow night (Friday) at 7 on "The Crisis in the Christian Language Today." On Saturday at 10 his topic will be "Salvation, Eternal Life and the Kingdom of God." At 1:00 on Saturday the topic is "Mercy and Righteousness or Compassion and Justice." These are $20 each or $50 for all three. Lunch will be available between the Saturday events.

Spread the word near and far about this opportunity to hear "a leading figure in his generation of Jesus scholars," on his return to FCC.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

FCC Adult Discussion Forum: "Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life"

Hi, folks

This Sunday, September 9 at 9:15 Romella and Ed O'Keefe will continue last week's discussion about theologian Karen Armstrong's recent book, "Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life," which is recommended reading to anyone interested in this topic, whether or not attending the Forum.

Remember that next week's, September 16 session will begin at 9:00 with Dr. Marcus Borg speaking in the Sanctuary

Spread the word near and far about all our great speakers.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

"Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life"

Our back-to-school September Forum sessions start on this Sunday, September 2  at 9:15 a.m. with our own Roger Smith and Maralee McMillan. They will begin what's anticipated to be an ongoing conversation about how we all might better integrate the "Golden Rule" into our daily lives and the world around us. This initiative is inspired by theologian Karen Armstrong's recent book,"Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life," which is recommended reading to anyone interested in this topic, whether or not attending the Forum. 

The discussion should continue on September 9 with Romella and Ed O'Keefe as leaders.

Happy Labor Day Weekend & Apple Festival!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Speaking Christian: Why Christian Words Have Lost Their Meaning and Power.

This Sunday, August 26, at 9:15, our own Rev. Larry Anderson and Dr. Jill Bierwirth August 26th,  will return with a preview of Marcus Borg's latest book Speaking Christian:  Why Christian Words Have Lost Their Meaning and Power. 

Dr. Borg will be our Ashley Speaker on September 14-16.

As always, all are welcome. Please spread the word.l

Thursday, August 9, 2012


The next two Sundays, August 12 and 19,our own Rev.Larry Anderson and Dr.Jill Bierwirth will tackle the problems we encounter in attempting to create a progressive theodicy.  Theodicy is the work of explaining a loving and merciful divinity in light of a suffering humanity.  We will look at the work of theologians like Bart Ehrman (God's Problem:  How the Bible  Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question--Why We Suffer), and Wendy Farley.  Her Tragic Vision and Divine Compassion: A Contemporary Theodicy considers the problem of evil in our world by focusing on suffering rather than sin, and abandoning the forensic model of God in favor of one emphasizing compassion as a dominant metaphor for the divine. 

Sessions begin at 9:15. All welcome.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

"Fruits of the Spirit"

On Sunday, August 5 at 9:15, our own Rev. Barbara Rathbun, will look at the Fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5, focusing on how all these things fit into one fruit.
Will definitely be a "fruitful" Forum!

The Heretical Life

This Sunday at 9:15 a.m., back by huge popular demand, will be the terrific Dr. Mark Mullinax, professor at Mars Hill College. His  topic is The Heretical Life: What do the Christian heresies say about Orthodoxy’s refusal to believe? Should we be more heretical? Or more Orthodox? 
So spread the word and be ready for a stimulating lecture.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Parables of Jesus

Hi folks,

This Sunday, July 8 and for the following two Sundays (the 15th & 22nd) at 9:15 our friend John Snodgrass will be back by to present his new series on the Parables of Jesus. John will look at the stories Jesus told from political, social, and theological perspectives to help us learn more about life in first-century Palestine.

Please spread the word and don't miss what should be a stimulating series.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

FCC Adult Discussion Forum: Follow-Up to John Shelby Spong Lectures

FCC Adult Discussion Forum: Our June Forum sessions will begin this Sunday, June 10 at 9:15 with our own Larry Anderson and Jill Bierwirth leading a follow-up discussion to the recent John Shelby Spong lectures. Be sure to bring your notes, impressions and questions for an open discussion.

Remember that if you missed any of the lectures you may order the CDs by calling the church at 828-692-8630 or emailing

Thursday, May 24, 2012

"Where would we be without St. Paul?"

This Sunday, May 27 at 9:15 our Moderator, Mark Fagerlin will answer the question, "Where would we be without St. Paul?"

Mark says,"There were two missions in the early church,one operating from Jerusalem under the leadership of Peter and the sons of Zebedee, and later James, the brother of Jesus, and other members of his family. The other mission was run by Paul, from various centers. The two missions were agreed about the supreme significance of Jesus, but little else. How we got where we are today has a lot more to do with Paul than with Peter. And, how I got to First Congregational Church has everything to do with their story."
As always, our discussion is open to all.

Remember next Sunday, June 3 there will be NO forum due to John Shelby Spong's visit. Please spread the word about our excellent lecture series.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Pickin’ and Grinnin’ with Phil and Larry

This Sunday, May 20, at 9:15 a.m. our own Rev. Larry Anderson and our neighbor Dr. Phil Cohen, Rabbi of Agudas Israel will present “Pickin’ and Grinnin’ with Phil and Larry,” a combination of music and musings like only they can do! It'll probably be a spirited, spiritual, harmonious, possibly hilarious,session.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hawaiian (Polynesian) Kahuna Spirituality

This Sunday, May 13 at 9:15, our own Ed and Romella Hart O’Keefe will introduce us to Hawaiian (Polynesian) Kahuna Spirituality. The teachings of the kahuna tradition of Polynesia/Hawaii are thousands of years old. They begin with concepts of the “Three Selves” that make up human beings and include lessons that teach individuals how to reconnect with the inner sources of wisdom and power we all possess. A brief outline of these teachings will be presented along with resources for further study and reading.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

A White Person Looks at White Privilege

This Sunday at 9:15 am, Dr. Marc Mullinax will be speaking to us.  Marc works at Mars Hill College, where he is a professor of Religion (since 2001). He is also the faculty sponsor for a student spirituality group called Ethos, the only one of its kind at the college that does not do worship, or mention Jesus on a regular basis. Instead, students gather over dinner to discuss in confidence matters and issues relating to spirituality, and never leave without connecting their conversations to social justice. 

His forum is entitled A White Person Looks at White Privilege.  Using the story of Jacob and Esau as a launch, Marc will probe whiteness, racism, and other color codes in American society. For example, when did it become necessary for a group of people to identify themselves as “white”? Against whom did they wish to demarcate themselves? In the talk, there will be first hand testimonies to the quiet powers that race, orientations, education, and other life-conditions actually do play in the USA. He will invite those gathered to dive deep and surface with their own understandings of how they play (or benefit from others’ playing) the cards of race or power or status. Are our privileges and gifts so many entitlements that blind us to, or are they lenses by which we may actually see more clearly, the inbreaking of God’s Realm on earth as it is in heaven?
Please plan to join us for this thought-provoking session.  Everyone is welcome.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Saturday Panel and Sunday Forum

 Hi folks,

This Saturday, April 21, 3 - 4:30 PM, we will sponsor a free educational opportunity to help voters make an INFORMED DECISION about the Constitutional Amendment on the May 8th primary ballot.

 At "NC MARRIAGE AMENDMENT : A Question of Civil Rights”  (refreshments following) you will learn facts, like how the amendment's passage may affect same-sex and opposite-sex, unmarried couples, from this expert panel: Rebecca Chaplin, MSW, Gerontologist, local Council on Aging; Clay Eddleman, M. D., Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine; Brian Fitzsimmons, Chief Operating Officer of the Sorin Group, The Rev. Dr. Douglas F. Ottati, Distinguished Professor of Reformed Theology and Justice Ministry,Davidson College and Susan Wilson, Esq., Mediator and Attorney specializing in Mediation, Collaborative Law and Domestic Partnership. After each panelist makes a brief presentation, they will take questions from the audience.

This Sunday, April 22 in our Adult Forum at 9:15 AM, Dr. Ottati will speak on “Some Reflections on Gay Marriage and Same Sex Unions in a Reformed Perspective."

For worship at 10:30 AM Dr. Ottati will preach on the theme: “A Time to be Counted Against Injustice.”  

Try to attend all these enriching educational opportunities.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


This Sunday, April 15 at 9:15, Ed & Romella Hart-O'Keefe, who joined our church on Christmas day last year, will present 
BELIEF MANAGEMENT – WHAT IS AVATAR? which they describe in the following:

“Let it be done to you according to your belief.” Matthew 8:13

How do your beliefs affect your reality and how can you change the
blueprint you habitually operate from? The Avatar course enables people to
discover the hidden beliefs they unconsciously hold that might be limiting their
progress and success. Once these beliefs are recognized, unique methods are
taught that actually allow one to “discreate” them.

Avatar, a series of consciousness-raising exercises, was designed by
American teacher Harry Palmer and has been taught all over the world since
1987. There are tens of thousands of “graduates” in dozens of countries now
leading happier lives and actively working to achieve the overall goal of Avatar –
an Enlightened Planetary Consciousness. For additional information, see the website,

Also remember to attend the Congressional Meeting and Vote during Coffee Hour.
See you Sunday.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Research on the Defense of Marriage Amendment

This Easter Sunday at 9:15 a.m. our own Rebecca Weidler, President of the Gay/Straight Alliance of Davidson College will reprise her research on the Defense of Marriage Amendment.

Next Sunday, April 15,Rep. McGrady will not be speaking. The O'Keefes will be discussing  "Belief Management – What is Avatar?"

Saturday, March 31, 2012

"Early Christianities: The Many Faces of Jesus."

Hi all,

Our enriching April schedule begins (no fooling!) this Palm Sunday, April 1 at 9:15 a.m.
with Dr. Hal Littleton discussing "Early Christianities: The Many Faces of Jesus." Dr. Littleton
is a graduate of Clemson University, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Vanderbilt
Divinity School Littleton’s teaching career includes time at Meredith College in Raleigh, NC,
UNC-Charlotte, Mars Hill College, UNC-Asheville, and Western Carolina University. He is
currently Adjunct Professor in the Department of Religious Studies at Gardner Webb University
in NC. Dr. Littleton has recently published his first novel, a work of fiction based on New
Testament personalities.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

FCC Adult Discussion Forum: ""Finding our Liturgic...

Hi all,

This Sunday, March 25 at 9:15 a.m. our own Dr. Jill Bierwirth will continue "Finding our Liturgical Identity." We will discuss the impressions visitors receive about our church through our worship and how we can more openly share who we are as a congregation with first-time guests. As usual, please come with ideas, comments and questions.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

FCC Adult Discussion Forum: ""Finding our Liturgical Identity"

Hi all,

This Sunday, March 18 at 9:15 a.m. our own Dr. Jill Bierwirth will lead us in "Finding our Liturgical Identity." We will discuss the impressions visitors receive about our church through our worship and how we can more openly share who we are as a congregation with first-time guests. As usual, please come with ideas, comments and questions.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

FCC Adult Discussion Forum: Continued "Implications of DOMA"

Hi folks,

This Sunday, March 11 at 9:15 a.m. Dr. Clay Eddleman will return by popular demand to continue his discussion on "Implications of the Defense of Marriage Amendment (DOMA)."
He hopes someone will remember where we stopped, so please giggle those little gray cells!

Remember to "spring ahead."

Thursday, March 1, 2012

FCC Adult Discussion Forum: "Seed of Abraham" rney from The Good Girl to an Out-of-the B...

Hi folks,
This Sunday, March 4 at 9:15 a.m. John Snodgrass, Biblical scholar and author of the recently released book Genesis and the Rise of Civilization, will conclude his two sessions on "Seed of Abraham."
How did God choose the "chosen people"? We read in the Bible that God chose a pure ethnic race to inherit the earth. And yet our Bible also contains traces of an older story where God chose a suffering class of peasants, drop-outs and renegades from diverse ethnic backgrounds. In this course we'll un-tangle the "family tree" of Israel to view the Tribal Revolution as a social (not racial) movement, and then retrace the steps by which the history was changed. Copies of Snodgrass's book will be available for $10.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

"The Journey from The Good Girl to an Out-of-the Box Believer,"

Hi folks,

For the next two Sundays, Feb 12, and 19 at 9:15 our own Karel Bodamer will share her testimony on "The Journey from The Good Girl to an Out-of-the Box Believer,"
as a reformed Preacher's Kid to the Healer/Helper she was destined to become in her on-going search for Wholeness. She will share her direct experiences of healing modalities and will concentrate on her 4-year program with the Barbara Brennan School of Healing ( Other modalities will be discussed and questions/experiences are encouraged. Among the topics will be: What is healing and energy work? Who benefits from this work? What does a session look like?

See you Sunday.

Friday, February 3, 2012

"Being a Moderate in Contentious Times"

Hi folks,

This Sunday, February 5th at 9:15 a.m Rep. Chuck McGrady will speak on "Being a Moderate in Contentious Times." He'll discuss legislative accomplishments and then speak of how a centrist survives in the current political climate. Our thanks to our own Rich Cooke, Laurel Park Mayor Pro Tempore, who made the arrangements and will introduce the speaker.

See you Sunday.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Reset Alarm

Hi folks,

There's NO Forum this Sunday, January 29 due to our Annual Meeting which we hope you'll attend.

Next Sunday February 5th at 9:15 a.m. Rep. Chuck McGrady will speak on "Being a Moderate in Contentious Times." He'll discuss legislative accomplishments and then speak of how a centrist survives in the current political climate.

See you Sunday.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

FCC Adult Discussion Forum: "The Implications of the Marriage Amendment" ,'"

Hi Forum folks,

This Sunday,January 22 at 9:15 a.m. Clay will make a brief presentation on "Implications of the Marriage Amendment: Legal, Psychological, and Social." He will then act as facilitator for an open, general group discussion on the amendment, which will be on the Primary Ballot on May 8.

There is NO Forum next Sunday, January 29 due to the Annual Meeting.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

" "The 1960s: 'The Times They Are a-Changin,'"

Hi Forum folks,

This Sunday, January 15 at 9:15 a.m. our Dr. Clay Eddleman will make a presentation entitled "The 1960s: 'The Times They Are a-Changin,'" based on a recent presentation he made at Hendersonville High School during a Social Studies Seminar for the student body. Included in the presentation will be the African-American Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War, the Counterculture of the 1960s, and the emergence of the Modern Gay Rights Movement.

Bring your questions, comments and memories. If you remember the 60's you weren't there!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

" My Journey from Judaism to the Episcopal Priesthood."

Hi Forum folks,

We begin the new year this Sunday, January 8 at 9:15 a.m. with the Rev.Dr. Jeff Batkin, a classmate of our own Dr.Clay Eddleman speaking on " My Journey from Judaism to the Episcopal Priesthood."

Rev. Batkin completed his undergraduate studies at Emory College of Emory University and his seminary training at the School of Theology, University of the South, in Sewanee. He later obtained his Doctorate of Ministry at Lutheran Southern Seminary in Columbia, South Carolina. He served Episcopal churches in the Diocese of Upper South Carolina and the Diocese of Florida, retiring from Trinity in St. Augustine, Florida, in 2004. Since retiring he has served the Diocese of Western North Carolina as Canon for Small Churches.

Start the Forum year off right by coming with your usual lively comments and questions.