Friday, November 27, 2015

FCUCC forum reminder

This Sunday, the first in Advent, NOVEMBER 29 at 9:15 – THE CONTEMPLATIVE LIFE – A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE – Bob Shuford and Ed O'Keefe-  

Usually we hear about meditation and contemplation with Eastern religion names and practices that may sound strange to those who were brought up in Christian traditions. Out presenters this morning think it important to discuss meditation in terms of the Christian church and give some historical background on the practice from early Christian sources. We will provide Biblical references and list historical and contemporary Christian teaching about this important subject common to all major faiths. 

Bob Shuford, raised in the Methodist Church, has practiced meditation since the early '70s. Ed O'Keefe's early training was as a Roman Catholic seminarian; he spent five years in monasteries in Pittsburgh and Boston.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, NOVEMBER 22 at 9:15- THANKSGIVING 2015 Romella Hart-O'Keefe A time for sharing your thoughts, poems, prayers, anecdotes and traditions that express gratitude, appreciation and thanks.  Come join us, and bring your ideas and stories to share or just come to soak up the Thanksgiving spirit.  (Pilgrim and turkey costumes are optional!)

Happy, Healthy Thanksgiving to One and All!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

 This Sunday, November 15 at 9:15 – IN HONOR OF VETERANS – Bob Miles

This past week we celebrated Veterans' Day. Bob Miles, an Army veteran who served in Vietnam, will commemorate Veterans Day by convening a discussion of veterans and the family members of veterans from different generations  about the meaning of their military service. He will include information about Post-9-11 veterans and describe the Veterans Healing Farm, a local program that helps new veterans with the transition from military service back to civilian life.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Due to a medical emergency, our presenter will be unable to attend this Sunday, November 8. Therefore, forum has been cancelled.