Thursday, February 28, 2013

“The Thought and Writings of Ken Wilber.”

This Sunday and next, March 3 & 10, Larry Anderson and Ed O'Keefe will present a study of “The Thought and Writings of Ken Wilber.” Who is Ken Wilber? According to Jack Crittenden Ph.D., author of Beyond Individualism, “the twenty-first century literally has three choices: Aristotle, Nietzsche, or Ken Wilber.”  If you haven’t already heard of him, Ken Wilber is one of the most important philosophers in the world today. He is the most widely translated academic writer in America, with 25 books, all still in print and translated into some 30 foreign languages.  He founded the Integral Institute, a think-tank for studying integral theory and practice using the Integral Approach which is the coordination of all the different methods and practices used to bring forth different experiences available to human beings. In other words, the Integral Approach is experiential and psychoactive. It is a series of cutting-edge practices designed to acquaint us with the many dimensions of our own Being.

Friday, February 22, 2013

"webinar" by Brian McLaren

This Sunday, February 24, Larry Anderson and Ed O'Keefe will show and discuss the amazing "webinar" by Brian McLaren on levels or waves of spiritual growth which all of us experience.   Several of us have seen the web seminar and see it as a great program.  

Brian will be our Walter Ashley Lecturer in June so his thoughts are especially timely, though not the same as his coming lectures   The webinar theme is closely related to the series that Ed and Larry will begin March 3 about the writing of Ken Wilber and several other writers on social/spiritual/personal/cosmic evolution.  This "webinar" will likely take the full hour of we will start promptly at 9:15am.   Please make an effort to be early or on time.  

Friday, February 15, 2013


Joyce has cancelled due to a family emergency, so there will be no forum this Sunday. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

“Open Heart Meditation.”

Hi Folks,

This Sunday, February 17 at 9:15 Joyce Burgess will be sharing a meditation technique called “Open Heart Meditation.”  This will involve  a little bit of talking and sharing, but mostly experiencing what connecting with our hearts can do for us.
Our heart is so special because the core of our heart has a direct connection with our Creator. Our heart is the center for receiving the blessings of Love and Light. The deepest peace, love and joy available to us in earthly existence, is the spark of love and light in the core of our hearts. The more we allow our hearts to open, the more we can experience and share peace, love and joy. This has a profound healing affect on every level of our being as well as on our families and communities.

Joyce has been a student of metaphysics for over 45+ years and has practiced many different forms of meditation.  In her own words, “Open Heart Meditation” is the easiest and most profound experience with meditating I have found to date.” 
Joyce taught meditation classes as well as other forms of spiritual classes while in VA for 27 years. She is a teacher of animals, children, and adults.
Joyce has been living in Asheville since 2007.  She moved here  with her husband after retiring from 25 years of teaching elementary school in VA.  She loves mountain living!

Don't we all? Happy Valentine's Day.