Thursday, March 26, 2015

FCUCC Forum Reminder

This Sunday, March 29 at 9:15: Messages to the Heart - Asheville authors Elise and Phil Okrend will offer a discussion based on their coffee table book, "Messages to the Heart, Reflections of Beauty and Truth."  

The couple found that they could extend the harmony in their marriage to bring healing and inspiration to other by combining their separate gifts.  Phil, a life coach, is skilled in working with individuals and groups, using words to bring hope and foster vision.  Elise is a painter who captures the wonder of creation through her pastels.  The two have combined those talents in their coauthored book, ""Messages to the Heart", pairing art and words.  The result is a message that speaks directly to your soul  One example from the book: Phil writes: "Character.  Don't be ashamed of heartache, pain, setback or struggle.  They have the means to shape you to forge courage, truth and to better serve others with the wisdom you gain from going through it.  Each trial you face and overcome is a step of empowerment for yourself and others."  The passage is paired with Elise's pastel landscape, Awakening. As the Okrends share passages and art from their book, we invite you to share your reflections and join in the discussion.  

Thursday, March 19, 2015

FCUCC Adult Forum Reminder

This Sunday,March 22: Conversation on Spiritual Practice : # 1. Hospitality-  First of a series, this week will kick off our year-long monthly conversation of each of ten spiritual practices that our fall Ashley Lecturer Diana Butler Bass identified as existing in vibrant congregations.  The first practice is hospitality-welcoming strangers.  See the accompanying Chronicle article with highlights and reflection questions.  Gary Cyphers, our moderator, will facilitate the conversation.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

FCUCC Adult Forum Reminder

This Sunday,March 15- Earthing (Grounding) Part Two- We will conclude the documentary film and discussion and present other aspects of the Earthing concepts. (See description for March 8 Forum, Part One.) Presenter: Fran Westen

Thursday, March 5, 2015

FCUCC Adult Forum Reminder

This Sunday March 8 – Earthing (Grounding)- Part OneEarthing, or grounding as it is often called, refers to being barefoot outside or in bare skin contact with Earthing products indoors while you sleep, relax or work.  Very recent scientific research has rediscovered that contact with Mother Earth, very common among our ancestors, bestows many profound benefits to our health and well-being and acts as a powerful antidote to our stress-inducing lifestyles. We will introduce the concept of EARTHING and show and discuss the first half of a new documentary film on these recent developments called "Grounded". Part Two will be viewed next Sunday, March 16.Presenter:  Fran Westin, a frequent visitor to Forum,  brought us the information about Earthing and will demonstrate and discuss some of the products available for those of us who are not likely to walk barefoot or sleep outside.  She is a substitute teacher for the Henderson County Schools.  She is an Emotion Code practitioner.