Thursday, November 28, 2013


Advent forums begin this Sunday, December 1 at 9:15 with Luther Dowdy leading"WHICH SIDE OF THE HILL DO YOU LIVE ON?"  One can live on the mean side of the hill and be threatened by  those who have shadows, but have chosen to celebrate the light. Another person may choose to live on the kind side of the hill with their shadows, but have chosen to celebrate the darkness. The souls of both need food and have a right to be wherever they  find themselves. Prayer is an essential food for both. You are invited to explore motives in choosing to live on either the mean or kind side of the hill. The goal in this Forum is self-renewal and food for the soul of those in attendance.
Luther Dowdy graduated from Shaw University in Raleigh and had the honor of having Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as his college advisor. He is also a graduate of Colgate Rochester Divinity School in Rochester, NY. Before his retirement in 2000, he was a Student Development Specialist at Oakton Community College in Des Plaines, Illinois. A certified Gestalt and Transactional Analyst Therapist, he also studied at the School of Psychodrama in Beacon, NY, studying with Zerka Moreno.  Mr. Dowdy now lives in Snellville, Georgia. He has two sons “and one glorious granddaughter, Taylor," whom he describes as “a peach”.  .

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